Monthly Archives: November 2022

Through Lack of Interest.

Helen Frankenthaler, one of the more well-known contributors to the Abstract Expressionists art movement in the post-war era, was quoted in Alexander Nemerov’s book, Fierce Poise (Penguin Press© 2021), saying “I see it over and over again . . .that when something becomes mediocre, people generally go for it.”

That quote struck a chord in my brain cells like a discordant passage in Alban Berg’s Sonata for Piano Op. 1.  Think about that for a moment.  Keep the cigar in your mouth, close your eyes and ponder those sixteen words and relate them to the cigar brands of yesterday.

I did just that and came up with the exact reason why there are so many cigar brands being produced every time a manufacturer sneezes.   It was my “Eureka!” moment likening it to when Archimedes, considered to be the greatest scientist of the classical age, was in his bathtub and he suddenly identified the principle of buoyancy.

For cigar smokers it’s Boredom!

Yes.  Boredom.  Defined as “being weary and restless through lack of interest.”  This is due to “being stuck in a repetitive or monotonous experience.” (Merriam-Webster).  Ergo,  smoking the same f%@king cigar.

Nothing wrong with that.  Nothing at all.  But the reader can see why it is so difficult to introduce a new brand to a shop.  Yes, I know it sounds contrary to what I just wrote, but in actuality, the old cigar that is now between the lips of a smoker was once a new cigar that was offered to a shop by a bloke like me. 

Ah, the entanglements of illogical logic.   A conundrum.  A way out!  If it can’t be explained then it cannot exist.  The discussion becomes moot.  Moot.  MOOT!  Look it up or, aaarrrgggrrrr, it means “subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty.”  This leaves the answer, the conclusion, and the end result to be whatever the individual wants that to be.  Why?  Because it becomes disputable.  A sally.  A retort.  

You like a cigar because it has become the usual (mediocre) when in fact it was once the oddball because acceptance would have disturbed the stillness of the calm that produced the current bloody boredom that everyone accepts. 

It takes ripples to build a humidor’s offerings.
